Part L FAQs

Part L FAQs & Resources for House Builders, SAP Assessors & Building Control

Who should be using Site Manager 360?

House Builders, SAP Assessors and Building Control.

It’s a platform for House Builders to securely collate new build evidence, and for their project SAP Assessors and Building Control to download, enabling unit/plot and project sign off.


Can’t I just use WhatsApp or similar to send photos?

You can but we wouldn’t recommend it. Site Manager 360 is the UK’s lead and professional’s choice. It provides safe, secure, centralized storage for you to collate and share. This avoids your colleagues receiving random photo evidence from multiple projects but creates seamless organization instead.


How do I let my Sap Assessor or Building Control know I’m using Site Manager 360?

Once you’ve set up a project on the platform, you can invite them to the team by simply entering their email and selecting what discipline they are. They’ll then receive an automatic email to join your project team and subscribe if they’re not already. This will give them access to view your project and download the files once complete, allowing them to give you unit/plot sign off.


Why do I need to now submit new build photo evidence?

It’s now mandatory following the new building regs Part L 2021 update. All house builders must submit geo-tagged photo evidence to their SAP Assessor and Building Control for project sign off. More info is available in our resources tab.


What size does my project have to be to use Site Manager 360?

Any size, from 1 unit/plot upwards. The platform is designed to manage the requirements of national house builders as well as the self-builder.


Does every unit have to have its own evidence?

Yes, it’s now a building regs requirement for every unit/plot to have its own geo-tagged photo evidence. The platform shows you what photos you need to take and automatically geo-tags them.


How do I set up geo-tagging my photos?

Your phone will have settings where you can set this up for both IOS & Android. You can also follow this tutorial.


How do I know what photos to take?

Within your project, each unit/plot will have a file. Open up the unit/plot you want and there will be a list of specific photos and examples for each one. Click on the photo you need, take the photo and accept it. You can take multiple photos and add notes for each required junction if you like.


What happens to the photo evidence?

As your house build progresses, you will be taking photos as you go. These will be stored securely until the unit/plot is finished. You can also upload other certification to the platform such as air & sound test certification. Once complete, all evidence is automatically converted to a zip file and can be downloaded by your SAP Assessor and Building Control.


What device do I need to use the Site Manager 360 platform?

Site Manager 360 is designed to be used from your phone and laptop, making it ideal for site and when you’re back in the office.


Is it easy to use?

Yes, we made the whole process straightforward. Once you get familiar with the site functions, you’ll find it simple. There are demo videos available if you get stuck or give us a call.


How do the licences work?

Your company can buy as many subscription licences as it needs. You can have 1 or more ‘administrators’ who are able to make the purchases and they allocate the licences to their users. For instance, a self-builder may only need 1 licence, a national house builder with 50 site managers, may need 50 licences. Each licence will automatically renew each year with a cancel option.

The ‘administrator’ can then set up a project, populate the project with all the units/plots, and then activate each unit/plot. Activation incurs a lodgement fee for each unit/plot. These can be done individually or all at once.


How do I populate a project with the plots?

There’s a couple of ways. The best and easiest way is when you invite your SAP Assessor to a project. If they subscribe and use the Site Manager 360 platform, they are automatically prompted to upload a CSV file to the project. They get this from their SAP software and it takes seconds. Once done, you’ll find your project has all the units/plots in it.

The alternative is to use the proforma CSV file available on the platform, download it and fill in your plot numbers and a site reference.

We recommend you have your SAP Assessor in place before you start your build.


Can my SAP Assessor and Building Control download a completed file?

Yes they can. If they’re on the project team, they’ll receive an automatic email once you have marked the unit/plot as complete. They can then pay a download fee to access the zip file. Each zip file is labelled with the unit/plot name for ease of identification.


As a SAP Assessor or Building Control, what’s the benefit of using Site Manager 360

It’s really all about the 3 disciplines working together, streamlining efficient communication and getting the audit job done.

By using the platform, you’ll add value to your own business with access to completed project files, no more chasing or receiving random information. Your clients will also see the value in your participation, as key partners in completing their requirement of site evidence audit.

From what we’ve learnt, all 3 disciplines are recommending the platform to their respective clients as the benefits and value become clear.


How can I add Site Manager 360 to my homescreen?

iPhone or iPad

Open Safari. Other browsers, such as Chrome, won’t work for this.
Navigate to the website you want to save to your home screen by entering the URL of the website you want to create a shortcut to. Make sure you visit the exact page you want to open through the shortcut. Tap “Go.”
Tap the Share button on the bottom of the page. It looks like a square with an arrow pointing out of the top.
In the list of options that appear, scroll down until you see Add to Home Screen. Tap this. The Add to Home Screen dialog box will appear.
Choose a name for the website shortcut on your home screen. You’ll see the link so you can confirm it, as well as the site’s favicon that will appear as the “app” icon on your home screen. Click Add when you’re done. Safari will close automatically and you will be taken to where the icon is located on your iPhone’s or iPad’s home screen.
Now just tap the new “app” or shortcut on your home screen, and it will open the website in its own navigation window, independent of what you have open in Safari.
Note: If you ever decide you want to remove the website shortcut, you can delete it just like you would any other app on your phone.


Open Chrome.
Navigate to the website or web page you want to pin to your home screen.
Tap the menu icon (3 dots in upper right-hand corner) and tap Add to home screen.
Choose a name for the website shortcut, then Chrome will add it to your home screen.