What made you choose a career in the industry?
I care about helping people, their health, supporting our communities and making an impact. The pharmaceutical industry brings my passions together and allows me to make a difference to patients’ lives.
What was your route into the industry?
My degree was critical to gaining my current job. I studied Biochemistry with an Industrial Placement Year at The University of Sussex. That meant in my third year I was fortunate enough to be accepted into Pfizer’s oncology team.
During my placement year I had the opportunity to work on many different projects, one being with the colleague engagement team and I am thankful that after graduating I was offered a secondment there. When that ended, I moved to the corporate social responsibility team and am now in the global health and social impact team.
What advice would you give to others trying to get into the industry?
1) You do not have to be a scientist to work in the pharmaceutical industry. There are so many jobs to choose, from communications and marketing, to finance and laboratory scientists
2) If you can, I highly recommend applying for internships – either as work experience or a placement year during university
3) Network
4) Make your own path
5) Say yes to new opportunities
6) Follow your passion
7) Keep learning
What’s the most important lesson you’ve learnt so far from working in the industry?
Nothing in this life is certain, except change. I love what I do and this allows me to embrace change more easily.
What are the things you love most about working in the industry?
The people and being at the forefront of breakthrough innovations.